Timetable: Completion targets for project activities
1.    Formally solicit articles and research instrumentation from the Sloan Consortium and Canadian Learning Networks projects, as well as other scholars around the world active in ALN research. January 15, 2006
2.     Open a project web site, including an initial version of online data base of research on ALN, with a statistical summary and discussion of the results February 1 2006
3.  Complete recruitment and training of student research team for 2006 March 15, 2006
4. Start online conferences on ALN research methodology and workshop planning April 15 2006
5.  Create an ALN research instruments   collection and post on the Web July 1, 2006
6.Create hypertext tutorial on ALN research methods
       Prototype ready for testing
       First release on Web site

July 15 2006
Sept. 15 2006
7. First ALN research workshop Fall 2006
8. Open section of web site featuring ALN researchers, with video clips;
    Progress report

February 2007
9. ALN theories hypertext tutorial
      Prototype for testing
       Posting on web site
 July 15 2007
September 15 2007
10. Second ALN research workshop Fall 2007
11. Finalize web site and submit plan to Sloan foundation for transfer or maintenance of web site after project end December 2007
12. Final project reports submitted by March 2008
13. Target date for a book Spring 2010