3. Build Theoretical Frameworks for ALN Research and Practice 

Theory and methods are the twin foundations of good research on ALN.  The strategy for   synthesizing and advancing theoretical frameworks and models in ALN research will be similar to that described above for research methods.   A hypertext tutorial will be created on theories and frameworks that have been applied in ALN and related research, to predict and understand the processes and outcomes of ALN (or other kinds of online knowledge-building communities). 

This will then be followed by a final synchronous workshop on theoretical and methodological innovations and issues in ALN effectiveness research, held at NJIT in Summer or early Autumn 2010 for a group of about 10-15 researchers, and a  follow on public asynchronous conference of about three months duration.  A major activity of this final workshop will be to build a proposed plan for future activity by the ALN research community after the end of the project.

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